It's not everyday that workers find the courage to speak out against the theft of their wages by cheating contractors in the construction industry. Former employees of Tinco Sheet Metal Inc. finally get fed up!

Good News!

Sheet Metal Workers Local Union 105 has gathered enough UNION representation cards from the workers at Tinco Sheet Metal Inc. and an election has been ordered by the National Relations Board Region 21 here in Los Angeles!

The election has been scheduled for May 11th.

Calls have been coming in all day from workers who are feed up with the low-wages and poor working conditions at the company, and are happy that they will finally get a chance to vote for UNION representation.

Not everyone at the company is happy though. Workers have recently been flooded with phone calls from company management asking them to vote against the UNION in the upcoming election. Management is blind to the fact that it's their poor treatment of their workers that got them in this position in the first place. Sheet Metal Workers Local Union 105 did not target Tinco Sheet Metal for organizing. Workers from the company sought out help from the local union because many of the workers were being paid substandard wages and being pushed to work at unsafe productivity levels. Workers also had no company provided health insurance coverage for their families, or retirement benefits.